Business owners working towards a business exit

We’re happy to invest our time but understand you may be busy. We aim to quickly grasp a good understanding of your concerns and objectives.

There are many considerations to building a successful business which carry over to building a financial plan. While there’s a raft of planning opportunities for business owners, time constraints often mean these are lost opportunities. It doesn’t need to be this way.

Managing the business’s finances sometimes takes priority over personal finances. We often work with business owners to provide for their retirement without reliance on the eventual business sale proceeds. The planning process identifies the amount of money needed to meet lifetime living costs at retirement. This is the amount of cash that needs either to be saved for retirement, or that the business needs sold for. It’s a useful number to know.

We’d be pleased to get to know you and build a financial plan together. The benefits are huge and can lead to clearer focus on other areas of life and business. If you don’t agree, we’ll walk away at no cost to you.

What you can expect from us:

We’ll be to you what your finance director is to your business with (cashflow model) projections showing a range of scenarios to support our advice.

Clear explanation of the complex stuff as we know you want to understand it.

Ongoing reviews showing actual against budget so you are up to speed and in control.

The value of your investment (and any income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested.

Get in touch

If you would like a chat to find out more, or have any questions about financial planning, then please get in touch.

0141 739 5466